Switching up the New Year's Resolutions: Keeping it real!
Happy New Year everyone!
As we enter a new year, we usually write down a bunch of New Year's resolutions, right? But let's be real, is that really working for us in today's crazy world? I personally think it's time to chuck the old-school resolutions and find a new way to navigate the adventure that is life. This includes being kinder to ourselves, setting realistic expectations and striving to becoming more positive in everyday life. In this blog I will share my personal take on why I am ditching the resolution bandwagon!
Reflecting on last year
Personally, my 2023 was an ABSOLUTE rollercoaster. I experienced the lowest of lows and the highest of highs. A year ago when the clock struck over midnight and entered us into the 1st of January 2023, I had absolutely no CLUE what was instore for me in the upcoming months. Low and behold, I would get engaged 😍, graduate my diploma in marketing and start a new job! But I would also face challenges where I would have to deal with grief and anxiety. Despite the chaos that had occurred, I managed to pull through and discover some hidden superpowers of mine! I got better at rolling with the punches and found joy in the little things that matter most, as well as gaining a GREATER appreciation for life! I learnt that not everything will be within my control, and that it is OK to not be OK 100% of the time. Life is unpredictable and while facing such extreme challenges, how was anyone expected to also stick to a list of resolutions - that's just so overwhelming!
Rethinking resolutions: Small wins, big impact!
Now I will admit, I used to be an advocate for the 'New Year, New Me’ resolution trend, but would find that those great plans and high expectations would often crumble by mid-year. So I asked myself, “Why set ourselves up for that cycle of disappointment?” The guilt trip is no fun when you've not hit all your resolutions! So instead, lets flip it and set realistic goals that don't feel like a one-way ticket to struggle street! 😂
After talking with my friends about the new year and our past resolutions, we found we all had a running theme of repeating the same resolutions. We weren't reaching these goals and some goals had been the same for years. And by the end of the year, we would feel so guilty that we hadn't reached all the resolutions we had set ourselves. Why is this? We're we putting too much pressure on ourselves? Were we setting goals without a plan in place to reach them?
Let's keep it real with expectations. I'm not saying completely abandon all goal setting, but just forget those crazy, unattainable goals and focus on aiming for the doable stuff. Small wins really do add up, whether that is nailing daily habits, diving into a new project, or strengthening current passions or skills. Keeping realistic expectations really sets up the stage for wins that actually stick! And I will be celebrating progress, no matter how small, that's for sure! 🖤
What I will be bringing into the new year
This new year I want to keep an open mind to embrace as many opportunities as I can. I will be implementing small habits each day, to help improve my mental and physical health. This being:
- Trying to read every day, as over the holidays I found I loved to read again.
- Keeping my spaces tidy at home.
- Try for some sort of movement each day: that could be yoga, walking, the gym.
- AND I will be surrounding myself with people I love and who are positive impacts in my life!
All are small, obtainable goals that I will build as habits, and I feel are realistic to follow.
Growth and flexibility FTW!
2023 taught me that to be adaptable is a game-changer and that growth is the real MVP! Life can really be like a TV series - it's unpredictable and FULL of plot twists. I am grateful for the lessons I learnt last year that reminded me to celebrate all victories.
So, here's to embracing a new chapter that is 2024 where I'll be aiming for a more realistic, positive, and personal journey. No BIG expectations that will set me to failure anymore - it's all about having that commitment to better myself, and to celebrate the steps forward, no matter how small they may be. Because the end goal is to build these habits continually so that it just becomes a part of me, for the better ♥
Cheers to a new year and good luck with the beautiful chaos that is life!
Sunday x
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