Baby Boot Camp Instructor, USA
Intervals. Pick up your pace for 15 to 20 seconds, perhaps the time it takes you to get from one lamp post or tree to the next. Bring your pace back down for the same amount of time, then it’s time to do another interval!
Bursts. After every five minutes of walking, do a one-minute cardio burst – anything that is going to make you breathe harder and challenge you, such as jumping jacks or jumping rope. You can turn it into a game with your little one by having them count your reps or making silly faces while you’re doing your cardio burst.

Stationary. Look for park benches – these are great for pushups, triceps dips, or squats in front of them, lowering to sitting and back up again (be careful your knees stay behind your toes during squats!). Position your stroller so your baby is facing you and be sure to make plenty of funny faces!
In motion. Push your stroller while doing walking lunges or side squats.
And the best part? While you gave yourself a 30-minute workout, your little one got 30 minutes of fresh air, Vitamin D from the sunshine, and maybe even a little power nap. Reward the both of you by taking your child out of the stroller to play for 15 minutes…my daughters highly recommend the swings! Be sure to create a smart plan and stick to it. This time isn’t just for you – it’s also creating a great example for your little one that fitness can be fun!
Kristen Horler is CEO and founder of Baby Boot Camp, offering prenatal and postpartum fitness and nutrition program for women. With over 12 years of professional fitness experience, Kristen is a continuing education provider for the American Council on Exercise and author of Baby Boot Camp: The New Mom’s 9-Minute Fitness Solution (Sterling 2010). Baby Boot Camp offers stroller fitness franchises across the USA. Classes cater to moms of all fitness levels: pregnant moms, new moms, and moms with one or more stroller-aged children. The interval-based classes incorporate cardio, strength, and core for a total body workout.
Mountain Buggy terrain is the official single stroller alongside duet, our all-terrain side-by-side option for two. Mountain Buggy juno is the exclusive baby carrier used by Baby Boot Camp.
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